As you know, we are in the middle of a cycle with Clomid. Crossing our fingers and hoping that my body reacts to the medication.
My last appointment with my Dr, he told me to take OPK's beginning on day 13 of my cycle. When I get a positive, "go to town." Well after 15 days of my cycle, I got a positive. Never ever have I seen a positive OPK. I've used them a few times when I thought that maybe my body was working, but they had always been stark white negative. So getting those 2 lines were exciting. Also, never did I think I would be extactic about seeing 2 lines on something you pee on (except a pregnancy test).
Then the next day, my temps confirmed that I ovulated. Most people do so on day 14 of their cycle, and I was on day 16. But it happened, my body worked somewhat like a normal persons!!! We also didn't really "plan" sex, but our timing was about perfect.
Now we wait. There's a 2 week window between when you ovulate and when your period comes, or you get a positive pregnancy test. So we just play the waiting game for now, and hope for the best.
But for the 2nd time since getting off BC almost a year ago, we have a fair shot.
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