So it's taken me a while to get up enough courage to post a follow up to the prior post, but I'm going to be straight forward with it and just come out and say it. We lost baby M. No heartbeat. No growth. Nothing.
I went through an appointment per week for 4 weeks straight to see if the fetus had passed on its own. At week 3, it had not. So the midwife I was meeting with recommended taking a suppository to make me go into labor and pass it without surgery. It consisted of taking a day off work and going into full blow labor, contractions, and dilation. This was definitely quite the experience, and has made me officially consider a natural birth. Well, maybe someday, a natural birth. If I ever get to that point. Thankfully the suppository worked, and I was able to avoid surgery. But there's still so many unanswered questions. Why did this happen? Will it happen again? Did I do something wrong?
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