Monday, January 13, 2014

The Fast Poster

Okay, so I'm going to go all "Facebook" on you now.  Obviously this post is regarding a Facebook post.

You know that friend you have on Facebook that you side eye every time they post?  What about the ones that blindside you with their post?  Or the one who is constantly posting about the same thing.

This has to do with the middle one.  The Blindsided post.

Yesterday I logged onto Facebook.  For the average 25 year old, this is a daily task.  To find that my friend commented on something someone had posted on her wall.  The post said "Congratulations, do you know your due date?"  She responded with a Thank You and her due date.  The due date of 9 months from yesterday.  The due date that shows she's exactly 4 weeks along.  And her pregnancy has been posted in public.  4 weeks!

I text this girl today and asked her if what I saw on Facebook was true.  She said yes and she was so sorry I found out that way.  Mind  you, she doesn't know what we've been through.  Honestly, this is the girl whose wedding we went to the day we found out we were pregnant.  Then 2 days after I took the suppository to help pass the miscarriage, I met up with her for lunch.  She's a wonderful friend, and I love seeing her and her husband and I knew that they were likely going to start trying soon after the wedding.  So this didn't come as a surprise.  

But I can't help but be fearful for her.  For what she could possibly go through.  Yes, there are what ifs.  There are what ifs with everything in life.  But it's already been posted to her 500 Facebook friends that she's expecting, and her husbands' 300 friends.  If something happens, that's 800 people to ask if you're okay.  Or the chance of not all of them seeing your post that you lost the baby, and they ask you later how you're feeling or when you're due.  

I've prayed for her multiple times since this afternoon.  Prayed that her appointment on January 30th goes great, and that there's a loud thriving heartbeat.  And that she has a very uneventful 9 months.  That her and her husband don't go into their appointment 3 weeks from now and have to go through anything we did.  That she never has to "untell" people.  That don't have to make a follow up Facebook post that their baby isn't growing.  

It's great to be excited.  Wonderful to be excited.  The creation of another human being is a wonderful thing.  But let the pee dry on the test before you tell 800 people you're 4 weeks along.   For your own mental state, and their mental state too. 

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