Sunday, September 8, 2013


So after the diagnosis of PCOS, it caused S and I to have some long and in depth conversations.
With having PCOS it means that I do not get a period every 28 days like a normal woman.  It can be anywhere from 28 days, to every 6 months, or never.  Without a period, that means you don't ovulate. Without ovulating, you can't get pregnant.
The options my Dr left me with was to either not worry about it and every 3 months call in to receive a prescription that makes my period come, or begin fertility drugs to make me ovulate and begin trying for a child.
The 2nd option would mean that we can't just "see how things go." Which was what we originally wanted to do.  We wanted to have that fun time of just trying for a child without schedules, timing, planning, medications, etc.  This isn't what we planned, isn't what we expected, and isn't how we wanted to make the decision to have a child.  But we knew we needed to make a decision. We are financially ready to have a child. Mentally, we know children are something we want, but we wanted to have that choice of no longer preventing and just try. Not have to go head first into fertility treatments. That's right....Fertility Treatments.  Not just sex. Not just "baby making." Not just "seeing how things go."  Instead it will be planning, temping, charting, trying to predict ovulation, taking medications that have a lot of side affects, and going through the emotional toll of not knowing if any of it will ever work.
Short after the diagnosis in May, we decided to just let things be and hope maybe it can happen. After a few months we will possibly look into the next steps, but in the meantime if God wants to grace us with a child. Then great. We can afford it, we want a child, but it will no longer be on our timeline.  It will be on the timeline of my body and the fertility treatments.

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